Executive Leadership and Team Performance

C-entre’s Executive & Team Performance Centre supports your high-performing leaders, C-suite and Teams with our registered doctorate-level psychologists and coaches. Our team provides the conscious advantage to help your people to create cultures of lūx et sapientia: light and wisdom.  We work to develop ‘right fit’ programmes based on organisational size, budget and industry vertical.

  • An enterprise’s success relies on the synthesised wisdom of its teams. Open collaboration and knowledge sharing are needed for optimising performance. Only when every team member takes the time to focus inward to their unique strengths can they put their best self forward.

    C-entre helps teams to streamline, be more collaborative, identify unique strengths, improve communication, navigate conflict, improve engagement and focus priorities.

    New hybrid working environments increase the importance of concentrating intentional activities towards team performance, including increasing psychological safety (Edmondson, 1999). Engagement frameworks of the past have changed, impacting culture and the future of work.

    C-entre can help to increase your team’s ”tightness” through initiatives such as coaching, assessments, facilitating huddles, supporting the onboarding of new members and guiding the co-creation of refreshed team norms.

  • Leadership is not a final destination but a consistent journey of self-development. Showing up as one’s best self as a leader requires the ‘softer skills’ of self-awareness, empathy, a positive attitude, conscious communication, deep listening, emotional intelligence, vulnerability, an executive presence and confident composure.

    C-entre’s leadership development programs help to onboard new leaders, optimise the performance of current leaders and support the continued development of seasoned executives.

    Our leadership coaches and organisational psychologists support your leaders and future leaders through coaching, training and organisation-wide programs.